
Bisrat Surafel

BIOGRAPHY Bisrat Surafel, an acclaimed Ethiopian singer, songwriter, and producer, has made significant contributions to the country’s music scene. His journey into music began at a young age, deeply influenced by Ethiopia’s rich musical heritage. Over the years, he honed his skills, developing a unique style that resonates with many. Throughout his career, Bisrat has […]

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Maritu Legesse

BIOGRAPHY Maritu Legesse, born in Kombolcha, Ethiopia, is a celebrated traditional singer renowned for her mastery of the Bati, Ambassel, Anchihoye, and Tizita musical styles. She began her musical journey in 1969 with the release of her debut album, “Ambassel,” which marked the start of a prolific career. Over the decades, Maritu has captivated audiences

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Zeritu Kebede

BIOGRAPHY Zeritu Kebede was born on February 19, 1984, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. From a young age, her passion for music was evident as she performed in school events and took an interest in songwriting. One of her earliest notable performances was singing Michael Jackson’s “Will You Be There” during her elementary school years at

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Haile Roots

BIOGRAPHY Haile Roots, born Hailemichael Getnet on September 25, 1982, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is a prominent artist known for blending Ethiopian musical traditions with reggae. He grew up in the vibrant capital, where he pursued his early education at Selassie Cathedral School and later attended Minilik II Secondary School. Although his initial interests leaned

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Mikaya Behailu

Mikaya Behailu, born on May 30, 1977, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was a celebrated Ethiopian singer and songwriter known for her unique contributions to the country’s music scene. She pursued her early education at Bethlehem and Abyot Kirs schools before enrolling at Addis Ababa University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ethiopian

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Ehedalew Harer

Ehedalew Harer ድሬ ሀረርድሬ ሀረር እሄዳለሁ ሐረር ባቡር ተሳፍሬያችን ጉብል ወጣት አያታለዉ ድሬበሹሩባዋ ላይ ዛጎል ያሰረችዉማሽላ ጠባቂ ሐረር ላይ ያለችዉድሬ ላይ ያለችዉዋኔ ዋኔ እያለች በእምባ ስትለየኝከልቤ አልጠፋ አለችድሬ ድሬ አሰኘኝ ድሬ ድሬ አሰኘኝ መገን የድሬ ልጅ ፀባይ ምግባራቸዉእንግዳ ያለምዳል አቀራረባቸዉከማሽላዉ ዛላ ቀንጥሳ ጋብዛኝተላወሰ ሆዴ መዉደድ ዘርታብኝአቦ ሰላም ያግባህ ብላ እንደሸኘችኝእንዳይጨንቀኝ ምነዉ በተከተለችኝአሃሃ ሀ አሃሃ ሀ አሃሃ ሀሀ

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Leul Aswededegn

Leul Aswededegn ወደድኩሃ እኔ ፈለኩሃመመኘት መብቴ ነው ምንም አቅሜ ቢያንሰኝ ብሆን ደሃባላውቅም አንተን ላግኝህ ልጣመውደድ ጥፋት ሆኖ አልቀጣዝም አልልም ዘውድ አለ በልቤአልልም ዙፋን አለው ልቤዝም አልልም ዘውድ አለ በልቤአልልም ዙፋን አለው ልቤአዝዤ አላሶጣ ነጋሪት ዋይዋይ ነጋሪት እምቢልታ እምቢልታክብሬን አያደምቀው ሀገሬው ዋይዋይ ሀገሬው በእልልታ በእልልታንግስትም አይደለሁ ንጉስም ዋይዋይ ንጉስም አይወልደኝ አይወልደኝበድህነቴ ነው ልዑል ዋይዋይ ልኡል ያስወደደኝ

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